Where to find all news about comic book and television writer James Patrick.
Humphree Lee interviewed me and reviewed Death And The Man Who Would Not Die for Ain't It Cool News' comic's column. I can't thank him enough. The interview is cool and revealing, and the review is great. This actually came out a couple weeks ago during my blogging sabatical, but it really deserves its own entry. Seeing my name in the Ain't It Cool news headlines was just another really, really awesome moment in my career. I go there all the time, read the news, reviews, whatever, and it was just super geek-out mode seeing that . Some days I just really feel lucky: getting to add a story to the Angel universe, getting e-mails from people I've admired, seeing a book I wrote in a store thousands of miles away from your house, and things like this. So, insightful interview, great review, and preview pages. Head on over to AICN. Here's a snippet.
And speaking of the narrative, the tone in THE MAN WHO WOULD NOT DIE is very appropriate. Very gritty and aggressive, you can almost hear the captions and dialogue being spoken to you through clenched teeth. It plays along very nice with the pacing of the story as it unfolds and puts you at home with the setting given you're familiar with these types of stories to begin with.
James Patrick’s gripping story just starts to fire up as the first installment
draws to a close. After reading issue #1 of DMWWND, newcomers will likely be
spurred to pick up a copy of the first series while waiting for the next chapter
to come out. Se7enhead’s artistic style is elegant and jarring at the same time,
as earthy tones blend with washes of reds and yellows. It goes so well with the
subject matter that by the end you half expect to be picking sand out of your
teeth. Or lead for that matter.