Shoot me in the head. I need to update more.

Seriously. A lot's happened since the last update. Death And The Man Who Would Not Die came out to some pretty stellar reviews. I'll post links to all of them here shortly. For now though, I just wanted to get my feet wet and get back into the swing of things. And stay tuned, 'cause there's a big news coming, a bunch of it. Here's the latest review to get things started. It's from Nathan Meunier at Randomville Comics. He gives it it 41/2 "R"s out of 5. Read it Here. And here's a snippet.
James Patrick’s gripping story just starts to fire up as the first installment
draws to a close. After reading issue #1 of DMWWND, newcomers will likely be
spurred to pick up a copy of the first series while waiting for the next chapter
to come out. Se7enhead’s artistic style is elegant and jarring at the same time,
as earthy tones blend with washes of reds and yellows. It goes so well with the
subject matter that by the end you half expect to be picking sand out of your
teeth. Or lead for that matter.
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