Monday, February 25, 2008


Great reviews. Not sure if it's helping. Thanks to these reviewers, though.

comicsbulletin says Hero by Night is an answer to my prayers.

comixtreme says As superhero stories go, it’s hard to get more classic than this.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Hero By Night came out last Wednesday. Quietly. The few responses we did get were pretty great, and there was even a mention at CBR and made the Read Pile. Mentions here and there, but not yet the official reviews of Issue 1. Shame. It's a better issue. There's also an interview with me in the back.

We're working on Issue 3 right of HBN right now. Upon seeing it drawn, we realized there was a scene that could have been better, so it was nice to be in the position to rewrite it, redraw it, and and even move it to the front of the issue for impact. It could have stayed, but being able to do this on the fly just makes the issue that much better. I've written six issues of HBN now, I guess one questionable scene isn't too bad :)

I just got a pretty nice job. I can't say what it is, it'd tip off people to something before the official announcment. I'm extremely lucky to have landed it. So there'll be a big announcement from me here pretty soon about it. Big for me, anyway.

Planet of the Dinosaurs in right now at a company who is interested, and there could be an offer soon. It's a really good company. It really only officially went there, and I'm going to hold onto submitting anyone else and see if things work out with them first.

Death is in the last stages. Actually, the Dillinger end of it is beyond it. I'm just waiting for an e-mail and again there will be an announcement.

TV Dinner Assassinations is kicking ass. I'm not in a hurry to publish it yet. While I concentrate on other things, we just keep getting ahead on it. It's one of those things that I feel like I'll publish myself if I have to. I'm considering leaving it black and white. There's just a great vibe to it.

I'm concentrating on the project in paragraph 3 this weekend though, all three of you will see what it is when they announce it :)

Thursday, February 07, 2008


* Issue 2 is on the stands next Wednesday, but my comps came today and I'm super proud. It took two issues to get our stride. The issue's a throwdown with a giant fucking monkey. It's unapologetic super hero insanity!

*There will be an issue for Free Comic Book Day

* Issue 4 starts a new arc and will be 99 cents to get the word out. Big event!

* It will be the cover of the Pittsburgh comicon pre-con mailer. That's a lot of fucking copies with its picture on.

* I just heard the issue 2 reorders were relatively large.

* Issue 3 in Previews now.

So if you're bitching there's no fun in comics anymore, pick up DJ Coffman's insane creation (co-written and scripted by me) and try one issue. It's humor, action, mega-super-prime in your face fun.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Best dramatic scene of the year?

Atomic Romance named this scene from Star Trek: Vulcans as best dramatic moment of the year. Cool.