Death And The Man Who Would Not Die is in Previews TODAY. Page 327, it's Spotlighted, order # SPOT MAR07 3687. I'm very, very proud of this book and I hope everyone checks it out. It is, of course, the Death Comes To Dillinger sequel, and if you liked that book you'll like this x 10.
Here's a snippet from the press release: Creator James Patrick says "Death And The Man Who Would Not Die picks up where Death Comes To Dillinger left off, the repercussions making things very difficult for Death in the sequel. To make matters worse, someone has stolen something very important from Death, something he'll do almost anything to get back."
Also this month, IDW is resoliciting Angel: Masks, which I had a story in. I take on Lindsey in it, and get the honor of showing how he met Eve.